Storyteller at large
I am a storyteller at heart. Whether with words, pictures or data, I enjoy discovering the stories that connect them. Coming up with stories that inspire people, teach people or even reveal something about humankind. In a broader sense I enjoy narrative design.
As such I like to participate in projects to create these tales and breathe life into them. Whether it’s about books, movies, games or research, I always put my heart and soul into it.
"[...] what we want is to be noticed by the universe [...]"
The fault in our stars, John Green
In a new quest line, Bryant & Giglio challenge me to start making my first games. Boardgames, mind you. The first quest is to tell the story to a predefined gameplay. The directions are as follows:
She turns away from the stars, wrapped in their black satin cloak, there on the other side of the window. Here, on her side of the impenetrable glass, she is surrounded by the desperately flashing of lights and screens. In this metal room, she feels, for the first time, locked in, almost claustrophobic.
Following these points I will construct a possible chain of events. A greek man, possibly by a name resembling Olivanos, discovers between 400 BC and 382 BC how to fuse wood with other magical components to create a reliable source for channeling magic. After the wars he settles in Thebes, close enough to Athens, but far enough from Sparta. There he starts selling his wands which spurs the magic community of Thebes.