Slay The Dragon: Quest 1.1


A New Questline: Making A Game

In a new quest line, Bryant & Giglio challenge me to start making my first games. Boardgames, mind you. The first quest is to tell the story to a predefined gameplay. The directions are as follows:

  • Construct a simple dice race on a board with 32 spaces;

  • For two players;

  • One six-sided die;

  • Both players start on the same space (#1);

  • Taking turns, each player rolls the die and moves their token one to six spaces around the board;

  • The first player to reach the end space (#32) wins.


Down here you will find the game that I have created based on these premisses.

Deep Dive

Two archaeologists have independently of each other found proof for the location of a lost temple ruin at the bottom of the sea. Either one of them wants to get full recognition for the discovery, but as it happens they get stuck on the same boat with the only fisherman who wanted to sail to this part of the sea. Now they must hurry to get back with a picture to upload and earn the recognition for the discovery.

Story development:

  1. BOAT [Start].

  2. Stumble and fall: continue two places.

  3. Check if your diving mask fits well. Any water coming through?

  4. Check your watch for oxygen levels. Ready? Go!

  5. The colors of the reef below you are stunning, take a picture.

  6. A damselfish aggressively swims towards you to protect its garden of algae. Return 1 place.

  7. Your ears clog from the changing pressure, wait a turn.

  8. A dolphin swims past and gives you a ride, move four places ahead.

  9. You spot a clownfish and a surgeonfish carefully watching you.

  10. A plastic bag floats by, grab it so it can’t do any more damage.


  12. You’ve reached the edge of the reef, further on you see parts of the ruin sticking out from the sand.

  13. A smack of jellyfish passes by, wait a turn to keep you distance.

  14. You look op to admire the sunlight filtering through the surface of the sea.

  15. You spot a shark, go back to hide in the patch of sea weed.

  16. You reach the first stones of the ruin and start searching for a good spot to take the picture.


  18. You swim through a stone arch that is mostly intact, leaving the ruins.

  19. You turn back to take one last glimpse of the ruins.

  20. Is that a turtle lying in the sand? Take a picture with it!

  21. A large school of fish pops up out of nowhere around you, you are a little disoriented, return 1 place.

  22. You see a plastic bottle floating between the corals, take it with you to clean the reef.

  23. One of your flippers gets stuck between the coral, continue without it. Reduce your die roll with one every turn.

  24. You’ve been rising too fast, wait a turn to prevent decompression sickness.

  25. A current picks you up and pulls you forward, continue four spaces.

  26. Look around to see if you are ahead.

  27. You spot something shiny between the coral: discover a TREASURE! At least you’ll have this if you return last.

  28. You get caught in a whirl, return four places.

  29. You follow the anchor towards the boat.

  30. Finally you break through the surface, the sunlight reflecting on the water around you.

  31. You pull yourself up to the boat but slip and fall back one place.

  32. The fisherman grabs your hand and pulls you up, continue one place.

Game board

I have also created a mock-up game board that you can use if you want to try out this game. The game is easy to set up and does not take a lot of time, great to pass some time.

Mock up board game for Deep Dive